
Welcome to Your Dirty Clean Building

Welcome to Your Dirty Clean Building

You have probably heard that first impressions of your church facility happen very quickly when a first-time guest comes in. So, we push our facility team to keep entrances clean. The concern is, what does clean mean to you? Clean is one part of a proper cleaning...

Our Webinars Have Changed!

Our Webinars Have Changed!

Hello Worship Facility readers! I'm very proud to announce that we've made it even easier for you and your church teams to watch our webinars whenever you like. For the past year, you've enjoyed our webinars, featuring experts such as Samantha Potter, Ben Stapley,...

A Word on What’s New in 2023

A Word on What’s New in 2023

We now have the first month of 2023 behind us, and I can't tell you how excited I am about what we have in store for you throughout the year. We're less than a year into our launch, and already you've shown a huge amount of interest in the content we've provided, week...

Remodel or Build New?: Accessibility and Your Plan

Remodel or Build New?: Accessibility and Your Plan

Worship Facility editor Gene Lass and Nathan Parr, Facility Stewardship Specialist for Smart Church Solutions, discuss how Accessibility and ADA compliance can affect your decision to remodel your church or build a new facility. Takeaways include: The legal and moral...

Camera Best Practices for Live and Streaming

Camera Best Practices for Live and Streaming

Worship Facility editor Gene Lass and Ethan Manuel, Broadcast Campus Director at Christ Fellowship Miami, discuss the best practices to capture video for your live and streaming worship services. Note: For your convenience, a link to the video will be emailed to all...

Choosing and Maintaining Automated Lights and Consoles

Choosing and Maintaining Automated Lights and Consoles

Worship Facility Editor Gene Lass and lighting and production expert Bill Di Paolo discuss how to select and maintain the best automated lights and consoles to fit your church's stage and budget. Takeaways include: Defining automated lights and controllers Benefits of...

Stage Safety 101

Stage Safety 101

Worship production tech and stage safety expert Bill Di Paolo discusses how to keep your worship performance stage safe, with a discussion of the 4 main areas of stage safety: Electrical, including cable safety. Rigging, including lights, speakers, and anything...

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