lighting design

Pinning The Difference in DMX

Pinning The Difference in DMX

Some manufacturers seem to being using both 3 pin and 5 pin DMX, which is starting to get house of worship Tech Crews and Directors unsure of what direction they should stock up and in some cases start having issues when trying to substitute a 3 PIn DMX cable for a...

The Lighter Side of Church Stage Lighting

The Lighter Side of Church Stage Lighting

It's so easy to get caught up in the gear and the cool factor of working in production that the actual worship lighting experience--and the meaning behind it--can take a back seat. Here's how to keep your church's lighting focused on what really matters. When it comes...

Church Lighting Fundamentals

Church Lighting Fundamentals

Lighting systems are essential in any building because they provide the necessary illumination to see and work in a space. Lighting systems are also crucial for creating the desired ambiance in a room, which is essential for any commercial or residential area....

Traditional Church Lighting

Traditional Church Lighting

Church has always been the place where people come to find peace and discover their spirituality. Whether you lead a Christian worship band or volunteer in a traditional church, the goal is the same - engage the congregation and drive them toward the word of God....

Using Lighting to Tell a Story

Using Lighting to Tell a Story

Editor's note: In this new series, we look at the theory of lighting in houses of worship, and how it can be used to change mood and to tell a story. Topics will include lighting concepts and techniques, as well as specific lights that can used to achieve a desired...

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