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Church Facilities Conference & Expo – October 21-23, 2024 – Chattanooga, TN


Planning for Safety in Children’s & Youth Ministries

Protecting the next generation is one of the most sacred responsibilities we hold within our church communities. The Bible speaks to this in Mark 10:14, Luke 18:16, and Matthew 19:14, where Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to...

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So You Had a Bad Day

So You Had a Bad Day

Whether you're a church audio engineer—Broadcast, Front of House, professional, or volunteer—this article is for you. I know my content occasionally stirs up controversy; after all, I’m just one voice sharing my experience. Disagreement is fine, but here’s one thing...

Latest Products

Studio Technologies Model 5312 Intercom Station Now Shipping

Studio Technologies Model 5312 Intercom Station Now Shipping

Studio Technologies, manufacturer of high-quality audio, video, and fiber-optic solutions, announces that its Model 5312 Intercom Station is now shipping. The Model 5312 Intercom Station provides 12 independent talk and listen channels and supports the...

DiGiCo Launches Compact Quantum326 Console at PLASA

DiGiCo Launches Compact Quantum326 Console at PLASA

When the DiGiCo Quantum338 made its official 3:38pm launch at the 2020 NAMM Show, the crowd that was there to witness the console’s unveiling was unprecedented, with hundreds of curious onlookers gathered around the company’s booth. Since then, that product has gone...

Experience the Future of Sound with Renkus-Heinz at InfoComm 2024

Renowned manufacturer of innovative loudspeaker systems, Renkus-Heinz, returns to the Las Vegas Convention Center in June for the 2024 edition of InfoComm. Attendees will be able to experience Renkus-Heinz’s advanced sound solutions firsthand, both on the main stand...

L-Acoustics Reveals Plans for InfoComm 2024

As L-Acoustics crosses its milestone 40th anniversary this year, the French loudspeaker company proudly celebrates its four decades of achievements while continuing to shape the future of sound at InfoComm 2024. The exhibitor’s presence will primarily focus on using...

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