Be sure to register for any of the following free Learning Series articles that interest you. Learning Series articles are a quick and easy way to learn about the focus topic and meet some of the major voices in each area.

Learning Series: The Audio Challenges of Historic Churches
The sonic footprint of every house of worship is different. And the more ornate the church, the more difficult are the acoustical challenges. Most of these challenges are caused by the building itself.
Today’s loudspeaker systems are designed to address these difficult challenges and provide sound reinforcement to every seat in the church.
Renkus-Heinz has a well-deserved reputation for overcoming challenges without damaging the often breathtaking church architecture. In this special report, you will find 12 case studies that provide insights into the many solutions to the acoustical challenges within a variety of churches.
Many of these solutions may be applicable to your situation. See for yourself. Download the special report today.
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Learning Series: Fortifying Faith Facilities
Houses of worship should be the safest places in the world. And yet, they have become a prime target for domestic terrorists, active shooters, and demented criminal rampages. Buildings filled with love are being targeted by hate. To counteract and prevent unnecessary massacres, building perimeter security must take precedence. But where should you start?
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Learning Series: Choosing the Best PTZ Camera for Church: A Definitive Guide
In this download, we will evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using a PTZ camera for church video production and live streaming. Firstly, we will discuss the scenarios when a PTZ camera system is the best option. Then, we will explore how a church could benefit by adding one or more PTZ cameras to its existing setup. Additionally, we will provide key factors to consider when selecting the best PTZ camera for your church and some critical areas to keep in mind.

Learning Series: Best Practices When Using In-Ear Monitors
When it comes to using in-ear monitors, there are two camps of thought – those who like them and those who don’t. Either way, many musicians will be confronted with the prospect of having to use in-ear monitors (IEMs) at some point. For example, a venue that requires the volume threshold to be kept under a certain dB level. Many houses of worship fall into this category.

Learning Series: The Advantages of Projectors, and How to Select One for Your Church
Projectors can deliver reliable, flexible, innovative solutions for multiple AV applications in houses of worship, from the sharing of scripture to the support of live performances or even youth-ministry movie nights. Compared with pricey video walls, projection remains the most cost-effective approach.
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Learning Series: How to Select the Best Camera for Your Church Production
You don’t want to waste your valuable finances and make the wrong choice, so how can you decide on the best camera for your church production set-up? Which of these statements would you agree with?
• The camera is less important than the person using it.
• The camera is essential, but other factors need to be right first.
• The type of camera I need depends on the content I want to create.
If you agree with ANY of these statements, you are on the right track; however, this article will explain why ALL these statements matter when you consider which is the best camera for you.

Learning Series: How To Hear Yourself – Proper Use of Audio Mixers and Floor Monitors
The main objective when dialing in monitors is to provide the best reference possible for each musician to help them to achieve their best performance. Properly dialing them in for each individual is critical to the performance of the band as a whole. Whether you’re using floor monitors or in-ear monitors, poor monitoring will affect the band adversely and ultimately be a distraction to the worship time.
In this article we will look at best practices for dialing in clear and defined floor monitor mixes.

Video Editing from a Director’s Perspective
Let me start off with a confession: I can edit but choose not to. While I enjoyed the editing process and seeing what was in my head take shape on tape, I also quickly realized my skills in this area were limited and I functioned better when I was able to take a step back from the craft/tech and instead work as a director alongside a skilled editor. Once I started doing that, the projects I undertook flourished.

Learning Series: Choosing and Maintaining Automated Lights and Consoles
Choosing and maintaining automated lights and consoles can be or become very involved. I have been a technical director for over 30 years and I have really seen the lighting industry change from basic lighting fixtures, dimmers and lighting boards to amazing color changing and moving light fixtures and lighting consoles that really allow you to design a production. Automated lighting fixtures and automated consoles aren’t cheap. Even lower end products have a cost. So, making the right decision will help you purchase the right products for your church.

Learning Series: In-Ear Monitors vs. Stage Wedges – What You Need to Know
Up until about 25 years ago, the only way for amplified performers to hear a “mix” on stage, other than what was bouncing around the room acoustically from the mains, was via stage monitors. The most common of these are the “wedges” we all know – speaker cabinets with a shape designed to sit on the floor and aim at the performers. While these work very well, there are drawbacks. The newer technology of in-ear systems offer a wonderful solution but are not without tradeoffs. This article is aimed at explaining the main differences between the two approaches and where the compromises are.