Funding Ministry through Vision

Funding ministry is extremely challenging whether you’re considering a building remodel or paying off an existing mortgage, and that is why we design campaigns with both an internal and external strategy.

Vision campaigns are designed uniquely for both large and small churches, keeping your specific church’s needs in mind.

A Vision Campaign begins with a clear image of what the Lord intends to accomplish through your church or organization. In our experience, the most successful campaigns are saturated in prayer, and that is how we design them. The focus on prayer allows opportunity for the Holy Spirit to work in the hearts of people of His choosing. Please join us to dive into how we can partner with your church to transform lives and see all of what God has instore for your church!

Takeaways include:

  • Unifying the Congregation under the Vision of the Church
  • Raising Funds Outside the Church Walls
  • Raising Funds while taking the Congregation through a Discipleship Process

For your convenience, all registrants will receive a link to the recording of the webinar. No playback session will be required.

Register here.




Feb 28 2023
