
Are Your Facilities Shaping You?

Are Your Facilities Shaping You?

Have you ever heard the old adage about the 2 happiest days of boat ownership? “The day you buy it and the day you sell it." If you're a boat owner, this saying may best describe your ownership experience. So what about our ministry tools? While most of us will never...

Are Your Facilities a Barrier to Your Ministry?

Are Your Facilities a Barrier to Your Ministry?

A church’s building design communicates to its attendees before they even step through the doors. While growth is the goal for a church, commencing a church expansion project requires careful consideration. If you expand too early, you might not see the return on your...

The Owner’s New Building Checklist

The Owner’s New Building Checklist

Building additions or renovations can be so challenging that the temptation is very real to “take the foot off the gas” near the end of the project when a successful project completion is within sight.  Don’t do it! The manner in which a new project owner works...

Church Design Trends For The Future

Church Design Trends For The Future

Moving forward, how churches will operate is evolving before our eyes. As a result, churches and campuses will have to evolve as well. We reached out to architects, builders, and designers and asked them to share some resilient and enduring trends that promise to influence the future of church design.

Are You an Owner of Choice?

Are You an Owner of Choice?

Let's face it. The current economic environment is arguably unprecedented when considering the combination of supply chain challenges, inflation, labor constraints, and geopolitical uncertainty. Those factors combine to make it very difficult for any construction...

Construction Project Delivery Methods

Construction Project Delivery Methods

There is probably no more important decision a project owner team is faced with than what delivery method they will select for their capital project.   So, what does “project delivery method” mean?  Most people are familiar with the primary roles...

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