Building Health

Christmas Stewardship

Christmas Stewardship

Christmas Stewardship: two words you most likely have never seen put together. In fact, I don’t believe I have ever used them together in a sentence. We talk a lot about stewarding our facilities and managing our money well. But, stewardship is more than that.  Take a...

9 Diseases of the Church Facility

9 Diseases of the Church Facility

Just as our bodies contract diseases that can lead to problems and cause pain and discomfort, many diseases can infect church facilities so that the church can experience functional problems and great discomfort. Rarely are these merely cosmetic, but are often outward...

Welcome to Your Dirty Clean Building

Welcome to Your Dirty Clean Building

You have probably heard that first impressions of your church facility happen very quickly when a first-time guest comes in. So, we push our facility team to keep entrances clean. The concern is, what does clean mean to you? Clean is one part of a proper cleaning...

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