Greenview Calvary Tabernacle Church In Ohio Finds Balance with Maxell Projectors

by | Case Studies, Production, Video

Greenview Calvary Tabernacle Church, a non-denominational church in Dayton, Ohio, currently hosts services in-person, live-streamed, and broadcast over local radio. They’ve recently implemented a Maxell MC-X8170 LCD projector to display Pastor Tim Livingston’s sermons, scripture, and as a virtual bulletin board to reduce close gathering yet still share important information.

The Reason for Upgrading

“A while back, we adjusted the lighting in the sanctuary which drastically reduced the ability to see the displayed screen,” says Ron Short, Music Minister at Greenview Calvary Tabernacle Church. “When we upgraded to a Maxell MC-X8170 LCD projector in late spring, congregation members who sat in the back were pleasantly surprised at the new bright, vibrant, and clear visual display they now had.”

Working with Projector People to replace its decade-old projector, the church saw improvement in brightness and clarity no matter where you sit in the sanctuary. The MC-X8170 has 7,000 ANSI lumens brightness. This helps to ensure that even natural or undimmed lights don’t affect the display. With up to 2,500 hours of eco-mode lamp life, the church doesn’t need to worry about frequent replacement of parts and pieces.

The Results Speak For Themselves

Since March, Greenview Calvary Tabernacle Church’s in-person services and other events such as funerals have been limited. With the unfortunate passing of a close family member, a relative living overseas was able to record a high-definition video of him playing Amazing Grace, which was projected during the service. “I’m getting goosebumps just thinking about it,” notes Short. “It was the next best thing to him actually being there.”

Until restrictions are lifted and the church is able to operate at full capacity, it plans to continue operating at a reduced volume. With the MC-X8170, members of the congregation are able to be more spaced out within the sanctuary.

“The technology is there to keep people safe if we utilize it,” Short concludes. “There is a balance to keeping everybody safe and Maxell is helping us do that.”

Note that Pastor Tim Livingston is the second generation pastor after his father, Norman Livingston. Norman founded Greenview Calvary Tabernacle Church 62 years ago. Find out more about the church here.

Maxell Projectors

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