Adamson At The Heart Of A Sonic Upgrade At The Sanctuary Of The House In Modesto

by | Audio, Case Studies, Production

The 1,800-capacity worship auditorium at The House in Modesto (CA) has been equipped with a new sound reinforcement system by Clark Productions (based in Alpharetta, GA) that’s headed by Adamson Systems Engineering loudspeakers and subwoofers.

Jason Rightnour, Audio Director at The House, chose to the Adamson loudspeakers after auditioning models from several other manufacturers. “I went to trade shows, conventions and speaker shootouts but I couldn’t find a system that fit our needs until Adamson,” he says. “Once I heard this PA, I was in shock with how clean the box sounded with its crystal-clear highs and no distortion.”

As a church with a congregation of diverse age groups, it was important for the AV team that the new system provide quality sound without any tonal loss, harsh tones or distortion for both their regular services and special events like concerts or youth services, which tend to be run at a higher decibel level. The loudspeaker have also allowed the church to maintain clear sight lines and a clean aesthetic.

The system includes two main arrays of eight boxes of S10; the top four boxes are S10n while the bottom four boxes are S10. Low-end coverage is bolstered by six E219 subwoofers flown above the center of the stage in an end-fire configuration, as well as two E119 subs placed on the floor for additional presence. Two S10p point source cabinets flank each side of the arrays and are used as side fills, while 10 PC5 loudspeakers act as front fills. The balcony is covered by seven S10p enclosures, while M12 loudspeakers are used on stage as monitors for the pastoral team.

Credit: Jason Rightnour

“I had different people come up and tell me how much better it sounded, that there was clarity in the pastors’ speeches as well as a much clearer sound when the band played,” Rightnour notes. “Many of these people had never said anything to me in the five years I’ve been running sound for the church.”

He adds that the auditorium is a live room with many reflections and little to no acoustical treatment, with the new system making a noticeable difference in both overall sonic quality as well as reach.

“I love the Adamson system. It sounds much better than our previous PA,” says Colby Higgins, the church’s monitor engineer. ” I’m blown away by how a small box like the S10 can output more both in clarity and volume than our previous bigger, clunky boxes.”

Rightnour concludes, “When I first saw the PA being flown into position with eight boxes per side, I was thinking, ‘this is not going to be enough PA to fill this room.’ But after the rig was installed and tuned, I was in shock with how loud it got.”

Adamson Systems Engineering

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