EmptySpace Technology Releases Companion App For VirtualCallboard Online Production Software

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EmptySpace Technology has released a companion app for its VirtualCallboard online production scheduling and production management software designed to provide all team members to have controlled access to up-to-date production information. With the VirtualCallboard app now available, this information will now be available from their pocket or on their tablet.

“Having a mobile app has been the most common request from our customers since we started VirtualCallboard over 10 years ago,” says Jason McDaniel, Partner at EmptySpace. “We’ve always looked after our mobile users, testing to ensure our app worked well on mobile browsers, but having a fully native app gives our users the kind of rich experience they are looking for: fewer logins, faster performance, and push notifications.”

The initial release of the app focuses on scheduling. All users with VirtualCallboard accounts can log in and view their own schedule or the whole company’s schedule for any given day. Users will also get mobile notifications when calls are about to begin.

The app also supports Open Calls; a call where users are invited to sign up. Users invited to the open call will be notified by a large banner in the app, and they can easily tap a button to accept or decline the call. 

Sam Anderson, Partner at EmptySpace, states, “Scheduling is, by far, the most heavily used feature of our application, and we know our customers will love it even more with the new app. We can confidently say we have one of the best solutions out there for online scheduling and collaboration within your theatre company. This app is a signal of our commitment to continue making this service amazing for all our users well into the future.”

VirtualCallboard can be downloaded for free from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and requires an active VirtualCallboard subscription. Go here to learn more about subscribing to VirtualCallboard.

EmptySpace Technology

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