Recruiting, Resourcing & Rewarding Creatives

by | Church Communication, Podcasts

Ben Stapley, Weekend Experience Director at Christ Fellowship Miami, and Dan Darling, Senior Vice President for Communications at NRB, discuss the importance of taking care of the creatives in your church through discovering their gifts and strengths, providing proper training, protecting them from digital exhaustion, and valuing them for their ideas and talents.

You’ll also discover it’s good to know when your team needs outside help or services in order to get the best results possible.

Your Host:

Daniel Darling is the Senior Vice President for Communications at NRB, as well as Pastor of Teaching and Discipleship at Green Hill Church. Dan is a prolific writer for a wide variety of publications, and is also a bestselling author of several books. He speaks and preaches around the country and is regularly interviewed on radio and television. He is the host of a popular weekly podcast, The Way Home, where he interviews Christian leaders, politicians, and journalists. Dan holds a bachelor’s degree in pastoral ministry from Dayspring Bible College and is a graduate of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He serves on the board of Let My People Go Ministries, an organization devoted to helping churches fight human trafficking and the parenting and discipleship ministry, Apollos Project.

Our Guest Speaker:

For over 20 years Ben Stapley has created & captured moving and memorable moments for individuals, non-profits & corporations across the globe. Ben serves at Christ Fellowship Miami on the executive team as the Weekend Experience Director overseeing worship, creative, production, online, communication & guest services. He also consults for churches and speaks at conferences about leadership, communication and creativity.

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