
I’m Gene Lass, Editor-in-Chief of Security Connections. To better serve your informational needs we’re looking for input on the topics most important to you and your church.

Please take a minute or so to complete the survey:

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Many thanks,

Gene Lass

Worship Facility Media

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Five Minutes to Save a Life: Your Guide to Medical Emergencies

When a medical emergency strikes, the first few minutes are often the most critical. How you respond during this time can make all the difference. Whether it’s a heart attack, severe bleeding, or any other urgent situation, knowing what to do can help stabilize the...

Whatever Happened to Acoustic Guitars in Worship?

Over the last several years, there’s been a noticeable shift in the role of acoustic guitars in modern worship music. In many churches, the acoustic guitar has been sidelined or even muted entirely in the mix. This trend has even become the subject of jokes among some...

A Staffer, a Contractor, and a Volunteer Walk Into a Bar

Church audio engineering is both an art and a science, requiring a blend of technical skill, musical intuition, and a deep understanding of the worship experience. However, the approach to managing this critical aspect of worship varies widely among churches. Some...