Webinar Will Reveal How Training and Tech Can Help Prevent Church Attacks

by | Administration, Security, Team Development

In our next webinar, church security expert Simon Osamoh will reveal how to use staff training as well as technology to identify potentially dangerous behaviors of individuals in and around your worship facility to prevent catastrophic events before they occur. The webinar is specifically tailored for churches and what they can do to assess behavior as part of overall threat assessment. The goal is to empower church leaders and security teams with the knowledge and tools they need to identify and mitigate potential risks to keep their congregations safe and secure.

Key topics include:

  • Risk Identification
  • Threat Assessment
  • Surveillance Detection, and
  • Threat Disruption.

We’ll delve into the principles of risk management, explore best practices for behavior detection, and provide insights on surveillance and threat disruption strategies,” Osamoh says. “At the end of this presentation, viewers will have a better understanding of how to not only identify risks and spot potential threats, but keep your church safe.”

As with all of our webinars, registrants will be sent a link to the video of the webinar, which can be shared as often as you’d like, at your convenience. There will be no simulated live playback session to attend or adjust your meetings around.

To register for the webinar, click here.

Simon Osamoh is one of the country’s leading experts in securing houses of worship. He is a British American and founder of Kingswood Security Consulting and the Worship Security Academy. Simon spent 14 years as a Detective in England working serious and organized crime. He is the author of two bestselling books 10 Powerful Strategies for Conflict De-escalation and Securing Church Operations. He is the host of the Church Security Made Simple Podcast and a member of the Worship Facility Editorial Advisory Board.

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