Discover the Facilities Track at CFX Essentials

by | Building Health, CFX Essentials, Design-Build, Facilities, Operations, Security

At the first-ever CFX Essentials mini-conference in Charlotte April 28-29, attendees will be given the full conference experience in a shorter time, for less money. With the shorter amount of time allotted, there will only be two tracks: Production, which we looked at last week, and Facility Design, Use, and Safety. Despite the tighter focus on coverage, there will be many sessions to attend, providing a depth of learning to benefit every knowledge level.

Maximizing the use, care, and safety of your church is essential for every church today. CFX Essentials provides church leaders and volunteers the opportunity to learn from other churches and experts how to plan, approach, and implement upgrades and safety procedures, as well as facility and safety technology. Investing in learning about current approaches, design considerations, finance, and safety is essential to a thriving church environment.

The sessions include:

  • Safety Procedures & Plans
  • Energy Management
  • Design Concepts for Maximum Engagement
  • Contingency Planning
  • Developing a Safety & Security Ministry
  • When to Build New, Purchase & or Remodel Your Existing Space
  • Creating a Budget for a Building Upgrade or New Construction Project
  • Developing a Maintenance & Repair Plan and Budget
  • Standard Operating Procedures for Facility Management
  • De-Escalation Training
  • Security Training
  • Cleaning Practices
  • Using Your Unused Spaces
  • Designing Your Building for Worship

To register for the mini-conference, click here.

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