Pliant Technologies Fosters Crew Communication & More at Alabama Church

by | Audio, Case Studies, Church Communication, Production

Auburn Community Church (ACC) in Alabama recently upgraded to a larger camera system and needed an intercom that could provide a reliable channel of communication between camera operators and the video director, a requirement met with a Pliant Technologies CrewCom digital wireless intercom system and SmartBoom headsets.

The system was originally purchased with the camera operators and the video director in mind but the church has also found additional uses for it. For example, the church’s producer can communicate with the entire production team, and it can also be used to communicate with the band via in-ear monitors as well as with audio engineers mixing for online content.

“Install and setup is extremely easy with Pliant’s CrewCom system,” says Drew Middlebrooks, production director at ACC. “We regularly take CrewCom out on the road for off-site events and we can quickly set it up even in very populated areas, and it provides amazing results. We also love how physically robust the gear is and find the ease of charging, with the system’s radio pack Drop-in Charger, to be a huge plus.

“The range of the system has been incredible,” he adds. “Even with our radio transceivers all in one central location in our main auditorium, we don’t experience any wireless dropouts throughout the entire building. We also really love the ability to have four separate intercom channels and assign them to different packs based on the needs of individual users.”

During any given service, the production team deploys 12 CrewCom radio packs with Pliant’s SmartBoom headsets. The system is also interfaced with ACC’s main audio console and also allows the music director to communicate with the band members. “With Pliant’s CrewCom, we have everything we need and more,” Middlebrooks concludes. “We’ve been really impressed by the system’s performance and look forward to continued success with Pliant.”

Pliant Technologies

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