Keeping Your House of Worship Safe in the Event of Civil Unrest 

by | Security, Security Connections

The 2024 election season has been highly charged, reflecting the passion and diverse perspectives of our nation. In the aftermath of such a closely contested race, it’s important to recognize that some institutions, including houses of worship, may face increased risks. Ensuring their safety and security is a priority as we move forward.

There are, of course, plenty of big changes house of worship leaders could make to have a more secure facility. However, at this particular moment, you are likely looking for simpler steps you can take to protect both your building and your people. Here are a few of those steps:

Lock all doors and windows.

This may seem like an obvious step, but if you perform a walk-through of your facility, you will be surprised at how many unlocked doors and windows you find. Double-check every single entrance point, making sure doors are not only locked, but are also latched firmly. You should protect basement window wells and ground level windows, and place a metal bar or broom stick in the track of sliding glass doors for additional security.

If you discover the locks don’t work on certain doors or windows, now is the time to replace them quickly. Many thieves and vandals are looking for an easy “in,” and will be deterred simply by a locked door.

Control access to entrances during events.

If your house of worship is hosting a large event for members or the public, it may be tempting to unlock a number of doors to allow easy access to your building, but don’t do it. Any unlocked door not staffed with a volunteer or employee greeter could provide an opportunity for potential thieves and vandals, and those who might commit violent acts.

Consider locking all doors but the front door, so you can completely control access to your facility. Ideally, you will have a person stationed at the front door who can screen visitors and make sure they are there for the event and nothing else.

Perform regular security sweeps of your facility.

If possible, designate a staff member or volunteer to walk the property on a regular basis. During this walk, they can use a checklist of areas to monitor that includes:

  • Making sure all lights work properly – Criminals crave dark areas, which means if you let a bulb burn out in one of your outdoor lights, you are creating an opportunity. 
  • Trimming back bushes and shrubbery – If you let your landscaping become overgrown, it could create a place for a vandal or thief to hide.
  • Locking away ladders and other equipment – Leaving a ladder outside your building can provide a thief access to a hard-to-reach window or floor. Do not make it any easier for them to break in.

Partner with local police.

Ask patrol officers to regularly drive by your facility and look for signs of security problems. Train staff to detect suspicious behaviors and respond appropriately, including alerting law enforcement. Ask police or other security professionals to review your security measures to ensure critical aspects of your security have not been overlooked.

Your local law enforcement should also have a map of your facility. In the event of an intruder or other emergency, it’s helpful for them to be aware of all potential access points.

If you take the above steps to increase your security, your congregation can breathe easier, both now and in the future. 

About the author

Eric Spacek is Assistant Vice President – Risk Control for Church Mutual Insurance Company, S.I.

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