How to Get Younger Members to Join Your Tech Team

by | Audio, Lighting, Production, Team Development, Video, volunteers

Recently, I have received numerous questions from Tech Team Leaders with the same question: How do they get younger members to join their tech team? Encouraging younger members of your congregation to join the church tech team can be a rewarding way to involve them in the life of the church and help them develop valuable skills.

Highlight the Importance of the Tech Team

Make sure your congregation understands the vital role the tech team plays in the church’s worship and outreach efforts. Highlight how their work enables the message to reach both the congregation and those watching online. Share testimonies or stories from current tech team members about their experiences, how they’ve grown, and the impact they’ve seen.

Emphasize the creative aspects of the tech team, such as working with lighting, sound design, and video production, which can appeal to those interested in the arts or media. Offer opportunities to work with modern technology, which could be enticing for those interested in tech fields.

Offer Training and Mentorship

Provide structured training sessions for new members to learn the skills they need. This could include workshops on operating the soundboard, managing lighting, or running live streams. Pair younger members with experienced team members who can mentor them, helping them to grow in both their technical abilities and their spiritual lives.

Cultivate a team culture that is welcoming, inclusive, and fun. Social events, team-building activities, and regular meetings where everyone’s ideas are valued can help create a strong community. Regularly invite younger members to observe or participate in tech team activities to make them feel welcome.

Offer Leadership Opportunities

If you know some younger members are already interested in areas like music, video games, or photography, invite them to see how those skills can be applied to the tech team. Work with your youth group leaders to introduce the tech team as an extension of the youth group activities, encouraging participation.

Give younger members leadership roles within the team, such as leading a project or being responsible for a particular aspect of the service. This can help them feel more invested. Encourage younger members to provide feedback and ideas, allowing them to feel like they’re shaping the direction of the team.

Promote through Church Channels

Make announcements during services or in church bulletins about the need for tech team members. Use social media to promote the tech team, share behind-the-scenes content, and showcase the fun aspects of being on the team.

By combining these strategies, you can create an inviting and exciting environment that draws younger members into your church’s tech team, helping them to connect with the church and grow in their faith.

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