I am honored to present this first issue or Worship Facility Video Connections, a new monthly email newsletter entirely devoted to video and streaming. In each issue we’ll have content categories covering new content for video & streaming, service and performance areas, safety, maintenance, purchasing, product reviews, case studies, new products and more.
I will be bringing my 35 years of experience in entertainment and production industry to these topics, but what we want is your input so we can customize these articles for you. Please feel free to reach out to me at bdipaolo@worshipfacility.com with any questions or topics you may have. If you have been involved in a recent video equipment upgrade lets talk about it! If you’re a video equipoment company making new and exciting products let’s see them and check them out! This is your chance as a reader to contact with us for new and upcoming articles. I look forward to hearing from you, and seeing your reaction to this new email newsletter!