Medianet AV Specs JVC for Video Applications in House of Worship

by | Audio, Gear, Integrators, Production, Streaming, Video

As an audio, video, livestreaming, and lighting solutions provider, Medianet AV installs and supplies production services and equipment to a variety of organizations―most commonly churches throughout Ohio and the surrounding areas. To deliver the high-quality image and versatility necessary for video production and streaming in the worship space, Medianet AV Owner Zac Novak and his team often choose cameras from JVC Professional Video,a division of JVCKENWOOD USA Corporation.

Owing entirely to the pandemic, video production and livestreaming, which was once considered something a church might need in the future, has become a requirement of the present. In the early days of lockdowns, houses of worship turned to any available equipment to provide livestreamed services to congregates, which included everything from existing, aging gear to off-the-shelf solutions from big box stores. More recently, however, Novak has seen an increase in the number of venues willing to invest in more professional equipment to improve this aspect of their production.

“After the first year or so, these venues began to realize their livestreams weren’t great and decided to upgrade to something better,” explains Novak. “We have been really focused on helping our customers’ replace consumer-level hardware to something more professional. One of our most important jobs as church integrators is to not only address the current requirements of our clients, who often work with tight budgets, but also project how their needs might evolve in the coming years. When it comes to cameras, JVC is always at the top of our list of recommendations for our clients.”

Among the many houses of worship where Medianet AV has installed JVC cameras is The Chapel in Akron. The large church, located on-campus at tUniversity of Akron in Ohio had a video system consisting of 13-year-old cameras and a video switcher, all running on 720p. The goal was to getthe church’s system running on 1080p, while staying within budget. After reviewing several manufacturers ,the Medianet AV team decided JVC’s GY-HC900 cameras were the clear choice. Also installed behind the scenes were the JVC CONNECTED CAM™ Studio and accompanying JVC monitors.

“The JVC equipment not only provided the same quality as other leading manufacturers ,but it at a much lower price point, which was beneficial to the church,” adds Novak. The updated production equipment in place has provided The Chapel in Akron with greater flexibility and higher quality video without difficulty. “Some of the favorite additions for the Chapel include CCU control, tally, and the ability to record to an SD card. These were a huge advancement, something they’ve never experienced before.”

MediaNet AV integrates JVC for dozens of projects each year. The company’s goal when serving churches is to maximize the technology budgets. “Churches want to ensure their productions are on-par with the streaming services we’re all accustomed to today,” continues Novak, “Most do not have full-time production professionals to manage a broadcast-style studio facility, so in these instances, we usually recommend integrating a system with PTZ cameras, which will allow churches to capture/stream video content in an easy and approachable manner.”

Medianet AV has also been spec’ing JVC KY-PZ100 PTZ cameras for several years and “were happy to incorporate the KY-PZ200 and KY-PZ400 solutions into our inventory when they were launched last year. Though we’ve not yet had a chance to work with the forthcoming KY-PZ510 solutions, we’re excited to begin incorporating those into future installs as well.”

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