How to be a More Creative Leader

by | CFX, CFX Community, Church Facilities Expo, Leadership

The cost of you not becoming the best leader in your organization is high. 

Personal development is a stewardship issue, and one of the most powerful ways we can learn is by applying disciplines from other industries to our leadership toolbox. In a recent article, executives at Google shared three things that help them be more productive. 

Not surprisingly, they were: 

  1. Say No To Anything That Is Not Your Priority 
  2. Schedule “me” time 
  3. Doing What You Intended Defines Productivity.

As I was reading this article, I could hear the voices of every ministry leader I’ve ever met, telling me how this list sounds great but is not real to their context. 

Here is a list of 5 things you can do today, gleaned from this article and remixed with some others ideas that pertain to creative leadership that I think can and will help you be more productive, and they work in ministry.  

1. Decide on your priorities and protect them.

The funny thing about priorities is when we have more than one, we don’t have any. You should know the most important thing to get done:

  •  Today
  •  This week 
  •  This month.

Beyond this month, in our world of ministry and pace, it’s hard to forecast your priorities. Write each priority clearly and keep it someplace you will see it every couple of hours. You need this task visible, or your day will overtake you, and you will start doing things that don’t help you accomplish your priority. 

You have to learn to say no to things that distract you from your priority. “No” is not a bad word. You are your best when you are saying no to the wrong things so that you can focus on the right things. Learning the power of “no” increases the opportunity of “yes” to the things that help you become a rock star! 

*Note – What your pastor cares about is always the right thing.

2. Define The Win And Manage The Expectation.   

All creative endeavors are a lesson in expectation management. Ideas are so subjective. As a creative leader, you must:

  •  KNOW the win
  •  CLARIFY the win
  •  ACCOMPLISH the win

Define what the win is early and keep your attention on expectation management throughout the process. There are a LOT of things you can’t control around an idea, and this is why you are a leader. The minute you hear, feel, or perceive expectations shifting, bring everyone back to what we agreed on at the beginning – and re-clarify for them what we have already defined as the win. 

3. Schedule Half An Hour Of Inspiration Time Daily.

No one else in the entire world is going to prioritize your inspiration. No one. You have to make sure you are creating 30 minutes in your day, uninterrupted, to fuel your creative muscles. If you don’t, you will become creatively anemic. These 30 minutes are vital to your success. It feels like a luxury, but it’s a necessity. As a creative leader, you are the tip of the spear creatively. Without inspiration, how will your team, volunteers, and organization find the next innovative idea? They won’t, and they will start to drift from original to copy. Sadly, this will cost you your job, and as an artist, your life. 

4. Reset Don’t React. 

It’s not going to go your way. Don’t overreact to problems or issues; reset what is happening and what can be accomplished, then communicate it to everyone. Reactions are emotional, and resetting is mature. As you become a master of the reset, people trust you more because they know that you are on top of things, you are aware of what is happening, and you are doing everything in your power to make the most of the situation. One of the most beautiful and ugly things about creative work is the fact it never works out how we first imagined it would, and that is awesome. 

5. Insist On Vibe.  

Vibe matters. Just like the pastor needs a bible to write his or her message, the accounting team needs batteries in the calculators, or the kid’s team needs goldfish – YOU NEED VIBE. Vibe doesn’t mean you create crazy “spaces”; it can be as simple as lighting, music, and a candle. Music is the easiest thing to change the vibe. Start creating a playlist for every task you do:

  •  Workout
  •  Email
  •  30-Minute Inspiration Time 
  •  Meetings
  •  Design 
  •  Etc.

If this article helped you in any way, please share and know that if there is anything I can do to serve you and your team, don’t hesitate to reach out at

Stephen Brewster will be delivering the Keynote Address at Church Facilities Expo 2022. He will also be presenting the breakout session, “How to be a Rockstar Leader.” Click here to register for CFX 2022!



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