Top 5 Church Tech Podcasts to Enjoy

by | Podcasts, Production

Church techs spend their lives in the background. For most of them, they like it that way. However, everyone desires some amount of recognition and to feel seen. These church tech podcasts do just that as you hear from the church tech directors who make Sunday service happen each week.

  1. ChurchGear
    • Released:
      • Weekly on Mondays
    • Blurb:
      • What would happen if two class clowns interviewed church tech directors? Their goal is to pull the tech director out of the booth and place them onto the stage to give their tech tips and hidden wisdom from the tech trenches. The hosts are the goofiest in the space and will bring you disaster stories and tech takeaways that’ll have you laughing and thinking at the same time.  They interview the full spectrum of tech directors; one week it’ll be a well known name like Dennis Choy and the next they’ll shine a light on a tech director no one knows but everyone should.
  2. MxU
    • Released
      • Bi-weekly on Mondays
    • Blurb:
      • Everyone knows the MxU crew. They’re decades-long veterans in the church tech space and have now shifted their focus to helping and equipping other church techs. They have the biggest names in the space as guests and every episode feels like you’re sitting right there in the room with them like a friend. You’ll be encouraged and educated without even realizing it, and the genuine friendship between the hosts is a true joy to listen to. After you find their first podcast, you’ll have to check out their other church tech podcast as they’ve recently added one focused on lighting and another on video.
  3. FILO Podcast
    • Released
      • Tri-weekly on Mondays
    • Blurb:
      • The FILO conference is an annual, massive gathering of church techs in Chicago. Todd Elliott continues the conversations started at the conference in this podcast. Todd brings on a guest each week to discuss the ideas and work that affects us all during our weekly Sunday services. With only a single host and guest, the podcasts are intimate and cover everything from the big picture philosophical issues while also getting into the nitty gritty of the tech we all work with. 
  4. Coffee & Gaff Tape
    • Released:
      • Monthly
    • Blurb:
      • Coffee & Gaff Tape is hosted by the Resi team. The goal of their podcast is to shine a light on the stories of those who live the church tech life. They interview church tech leaders about their time in the booth and everything it takes to handle Sunday services. Life in church production can feel isolating at times, so it’s refreshing to hear the heart of those doing the behind the scenes work. You don’t have to take our word for it. Check out their reviews and you’ll see countless mentions at how heartfelt and genuine the hosts are. 
  5. Worship Leader Problems
    • Released:
      • Weekly on Tuesdays
    • Blurb:
      • Why is a podcast about worship leaders on this list? Knowing how your onstage friends are doing and feeling that are giving you the music to mix is important. The partnership between worship leader and church tech is critical and will make or break a service going smoothly. This podcast amassed a following while the host was anonymous and speaking through a voice disguiser for the first 50 episodes. Now we all know it’s Brian Tabor and he has awesome, real life episodes each week. Brian interviews fellow worship leaders, the occasional tech director, and all of his episodes have fun segments like “Sliding into the DMs” and “Prayer Requests”. 
  6. Bonus! The Connections Podcast
    • Released:
      • Monthly
    • Blurb:
      • If we’re talking podcasts, we have to mention our own as well! Each episode we have a guest host and guest speaker discuss common issues in the worship facility world with topics ranging from safety to leadership. Speakers typically have also spoken or will speak at the annual CFX Expo in Dallas, where you can actually watch and listen as discussions are recorded.

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