Going it alone is never a good idea in ministry. Unfortunately, those who serve behind the scenes in church operations tend to get overlooked. After all, we rarely notice their work until something goes wrong. In an effort to bring these church operations leaders together in an online community, Deborah Ike launched the Church Executive Administration & Operations Facebook Group in 2016. As of December 2021, this group has nearly 5,500 members who daily share ideas, offer encouragement, and receive wise counsel on a variety of church operations topics. To join, simply search for the group on Facebook and answer the membership questions.
Church Audio Engineers: How Do We Present Ourselves?
Not long ago, I posted a short article on LinkedIn, poking fun at a church audio engineer for wearing a wide-brimmed fedora while mixing FOH. While I do think it was a little over-the-top in the fashion-over-function category, the main point was that a large hat like...