Shure Hosting Online Tech Talk Focusing On Connected Campuses For Houses Of Worship

by | Audio, News

Tomorrow (Tuesday, March 9), Laura Davidson and Jenn Liang-Chaboud of Shure will be hosting a live online tech talk with Samantha Potter (ProSoundWeb Senior Contributing Editor & Worship Tech Liaison) and Beckie Campbell (Founder of B4 Media Productions) focusing on how to effectively manage multiple house of worship services across several different buildings.

During the informal discussion, the guests will address the unique inherent challenges of connecting campuses, working with volunteers, the tech behind live streaming sessions, and more.

Potter is an audio engineer, author, and editor for ProSoundWeb with a passion for mixing and educating. Additionally, she serves as the manager of commercial and install audio for Allen & Heath USA, helping to merge pro audio into the install market. With a diverse background of live sound disciplines, she began developing audio and production curricula for house of worship tech teams and their leaders. Growing up as a musician, Potter found her way to live sound by way of the studio, proving that bassists make the best sound engineers. The host of Church Sound Podcast and a co-director and lead instructor for Church Sound University, Samantha can often be found teaching, designing, and hosting discussions on various live-sound topics.

Campbell is a Front of House and Monitor Engineer as well as the Owner of B4Media Production, based in Orlando. As a 20-year veteran of the music business, she’s helped mentor and train teams for several theaters, live events, and houses of worship, all while touring as an FOH Engineer for major acts (Indigo Girls, Allman Betts Band, The Commodores, Firehouse, Julian Marley, and more) as well as working local gigs. She’s also mixed at the New Orleans Jazz Festival, 30A Songwriters Festival, and does the live and on air mixes for the City of Orlando Christmas Tree and 4th of July Live Shows. Early in her career she was a Technical Director/FOH Engineer for two megachurches in Florida.

The live tech talk kicks off at noon (12 pm) U.S. Central time on Tuesday, March 9. Go here to register.


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