Lectrosonics Launches Sound is Essential Social Media Campaign and Contest

by | Audio, Church Communication, News

Lectrosonics, together with a number of dealers, industry manufacturers and end users, is spearheading a social media campaign – Sound is Essential – to emphasize that sound is essential to any modern media. To encourage participation in the campaign, Lectrosonics is sponsoring a creativity contest.

To participate in the contest: 

1) The Sound is Essential videos should be short, unique, and focused on demonstrating the importance of sound. For example, with the sound of the video absent altogether, viewers will likely wonder “what went wrong” at first, while they try to figure out why they can’t hear anything. This content may be in the form of product introductions, instructional videos, tips and tricks, videos, and the like. The first video from Lectrosonics for the campaign featured company president Gordon Moore in a reprise of his role as “Dr. Audio.”

2) Upload your videos to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, or TikTok by January 31, and tag them with #lectrosonics and #soundisessential. 

3) A set of “Sound is Essential” end titles and a “whisper” sound file for you to use are available here


Representatives from the company will review all the videos** during the first week of February, and pick the most original entries for 1st, 2ndand 3rd prizes:

  • 1st prize: $500 gift certificate for purchase towards Lectrosonics products or services at any authorized Lectrosonics retailer.
  • 2nd prize: $250 gift certificate for purchase towards Lectrosonics products or services at any authorized Lectrosonics retailer.
  • 3rd prize: $100 gift certificate for purchase towards Lectrosonics products or services at any authorized Lectrosonics retailer.

** The choice of winning entries is at the sole discretion of Lectrosonics, Inc., and is open to end-users only, no dealer or manufacturers’ employees, or company employees will qualify for the prizes.

Be creative and help support colleagues in the A/V and related industries!

The deadline to enter is January 31st

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